Radar on Ecuador


Important regulations related to the family economy and taxes

Executive Decree 876, which contains a series of important regulations related to the family economy and the tax regime. These regulations cover several crucial aspects, such as:

Income Tax Withholding:
A procedure is established for employers to calculate the income tax withholding of their workers, taking into account the projection of personal expenses.
In addition, Executive Decree 876 modifies the Regulations for the Application of the Internal Tax Regime Law, with notable changes, such as:

Deduction of Losses on Sale of Portfolio and Commercial Credits:
Losses generated in the sale of portfolio and commercial loans between unrelated parties are allowed to be deducted, within certain limits.

Income Tax Rate Reduction:
The reduction of the income tax rate is regulated for those taxpayers who reinvest their profits in sports, cultural, responsible scientific research, or technological development programs.

New Regulations for the Mining Sector:
Regulations related to control processes and tax obligations in the mining sector are included. It’s important to highlight that the entry into force of these regulations varies depending on the type of tax to which they refer. Those related to income tax will come into effect on January 1, 2024, while those related to the RIMPE regime and formal duties will begin to take effect from the first day of the month following the publication of the Decree in the Official Registry.


New Redeemable Tax Law on Non-Returnable Plastic Bottles in Ecuador

Decree Law of Economic Urgency for the Creation of the Redeemable Tax on Non-Returnable Plastic Bottles. This decision came after a favorable ruling issued by the Constitutional Court on September 18, 2023, and the new law was published in the Fifth Supplement of the Official Registry 401 on September 21, 2023.

The main features of this tax are the next:

Generating Fact: The act of bottling beverages in non-returnable plastic bottles used to contain alcoholic, non-alcoholic, carbonated, non-carbonated beverages and water. In the case of imported beverages under the consumption regime, the tax is generated at the time of customs clearance.

Subjects: The State, through the Internal Revenue Service, acts as the active subject, while the bottlers and importers of beverages in non-returnable plastic bottles are the passive subjects.

Tax Base: It is calculated based on the number of units bottled or imported, with a rate of two cents (0.02 USD) per bottle.

Tax Refund: The tax will be returned only to recyclers and transformers, following specific criteria for collection, traceability and limits established in the Regulations that must be issued by the President within a period of 30 days.

Exemptions: Dairy products and medicines bottled or imported in non-returnable plastic bottles are exempt from the tax.

Declaration and Payment: The tax settlement will be carried out by multiplying the number of units bottled or imported by the corresponding rate. In the case of imports, the IRBP settlement will be carried out before the goods are cleared through customs.

Non-Deductibility: The tax cannot be considered as a deductible expense for the settlement of income tax.

Transition Period: Until the Regulation comes into force, the regulatory provisions and other secondary regulations related to the existing IRBP return process will continue to apply.
This new law seeks to promote environmental responsibility and sustainability by encouraging the collection and recycling of non-returnable plastic bottles, while contributing to State revenue.
These measures are expected to have a significant impact on waste management and environmental preservation in Ecuador.



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