Radar on Bolivia


National Tax Service (SIN)

Updating of the RAU Fixed Rate per Hectare

The SIN has completed the annual update of the Fixed Quotas per Hectare of the Unified Agricultural Regime (RAU) corresponding to the 2022 Management, impacting Bolivian agricultural producers.

Draft Law for the Integral Adoption of Cryptoassets
This bill seeks to establish a legal framework for the adoption of blockchain technology and the commercialization of crypto assets in Bolivia, including their use in the national payment system.


Regulation for the Action of Repetition for Tax Concepts

The ANB has implemented a new regulation governing the action of repetition for tax concepts, with significant changes in objectives and exclusions related to overpayments and their refund.

Tax Exemption Regulation
The regulations governing tax exemption requests have been modified, extending the deadlines for correcting requests to 10 business days and for issuing Tax Exemption Resolutions to 21 business days. In addition, exemption beneficiaries are required to be registered in the Single Customs Modernization System (SUMA) of the National Customs.



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