EU Alert - Life Sciences

This newsletter provides a selection of opinions and analysis from our EU legal experts on interesting policy developments, recent case law and new regulatory directions of major industry practices. It is released biweekly and covers areas such as: Competition Law, Sanctions, Trade, Energy, Finance, EU funds, Data IP and Privacy, Life Sciences, Transport and Court of Justice of the European Union news.

The aim is to provide an up–to–date tool for quick and easy consultation on the most current and important topics at EU level.


The European Commission sends Statement of Objections to Alchem over first pharmaceutical cartel case in the EU (13.06.2024) – The European Commission has informed Alchem International Pvt. Ltd. and its subsidiary Alchem International (H.K.) Limited (together ‘Alchem’) of its preliminary view that they have breached EU antitrust rules by participating in a long-lasting cartel concerning an important pharmaceutical product. Alchem is a producer of the pharmaceutical ingredient N-Butylbromide Scopolamine/Hyoscine (‘SNBB’). The Commission has concerns that Alchem may have coordinated and agreed with other market participants to fix the minimum sales price of SNBB to customers (i.e., distributors and generic drug manufacturers) and to allocate quotas. In addition, Alchem may have exchanged commercially sensitive information with competitors. In October 2023, the Commission adopted a settlement decision in relation to the same cartel and concerning other companies.


Radioisotopes for medical use: the Council adopts its conclusion (17.06.2024) – The Council of the EU has endorsed its conclusions to secure the supply of radioisotopes for medical use as part of the Belgian presidency’s priorities. Reiterating the critical role of radioisotopes for medical use in the diagnosis of cancer, heart conditions and other diseases, Council’s conclusions call on the European Commission to act on five key pillars: (i) Europe’s global leadership role in the supply of radioisotopes for medical use, making tangible and rapid progress on the relevant actions identified; (ii) The monitoring and forecasting of demand and supply of all relevant radioisotopes for medical use (iii) Research and innovation on topics related to radioisotopes for medical use and other medical-radiological technologies (iv) The evaluation and development of critical skills (v) The evaluation of the framework for the transport of radioisotopes for medical use to help ensure access by patients in all member states. The Council also urges the European Medicines Regulatory Network to review all radiopharmaceuticals authorized in Europe and assess their criticality according to the existing methodology. Finally, the conclusions emphasize the important contribution of European research nuclear reactors and other nuclear facilities capable of producing radioisotopes for medical use at the levels needed to meet long-term needs in the Union, and the importance of these facilities, as well as the expertise that enables the production of these radioisotopes, continuing to be located in the European Union.


Faster access to clinical trial information in Europe (18.06.2024) – The launch of a new version of the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) will allow earlier and more efficient access to information about clinical trials in the European Union (EU) for patients, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders. This is due to the revised transparency rules that become applicable on 18th June 2024 in Europe.

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