State Aid in the Energy Sector

On 26 February 2025, the Commission adopted the Communication on The Clean Industrial Deal: A joint roadmap for competitiveness and decarbonisation.

This Framework seeks to accompany the Clean Industrial Deal by setting out how Member States can design State aid measures to support their objectives related to the Clean Industrial Deal.

The Commission announced in the Clean Industrial Deal Communication its intention to simplify State aid rules by adopting a new Clean Industrial Deal State aid Framework to accelerate the roll-out of renewable energy, deploy industrial decarbonisation and ensure sufficient capacity of clean tech manufacturing in Europe. With this consultation, the Commission seeks the views of relevant stakeholders on a draft for this framework to be adopted by June 2025.

The draft takes action on incentives for renewables, electricity storage and capacity markets, incentives for decarbonizing industry, green industry, and reducing the risks of private investment in these sectors. In some cases, incentives may be awarded directly to projects without the need for auctions.

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