Anna Maria Rita Liuzzo


Anna Liuzzo has developed specific expertise in litigation management and advisory services. In this context, she has managed numerous assignments in administrative and civil law matters, also before higher courts, and has provided legal assistance to political and bureaucratic Offices and Bodies on interpretative and active administration issues.
In particular, her expertise includes complex issues involving companies in which the municipality holds a shareholding, actions against town planning instruments and related expropriation measures, electoral disputes, town planning and construction provisions, commercial authorisations, public employment and public contracts.
She has an in-depth knowledge of public administration rules, having served, among other things, as Administrative Director of the Ministry of Education, and subsequently as managing attorney of one of Italy's largest municipalities.

Education and qualifications

  • Cassationist Lawyer

  • Admission to Italian Bar


  • “ Il funzionario di fatto e la tutela del legittimo affidamento dei privati”, Giustizia amministrativa, Public Law Journal n. 11/2009


  • “La revocazione, l’appello e l’opposizione di terzo”, Giustizia amministrativa, Public Law Journal n. 11/2009


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