Luigi La Marca

Of Counsel

Luigi La Marca is a lawyer with extensive experience in European Union Law and in the Law governing Multilateral Development Banks and International Financial Institutions.
He previously served as Deputy Group Chief Compliance Officer of the European Investment Bank - EIB, Luxembourg, Chief Compliance Officer of the Council of Europe Development Bank - CEB, Paris, Head of the EIB's foreign representations in Europe and beyond, Chief Policy Adviser of the EIB Inspectorate General for Anti-Fraud and Complaints, Legal Adviser to Judge Prof. Antonio La Pergola at the Court of Justice of the EU, Luxembourg, Managerial Adviser to the EIB Legal Service for EU horizontal policies (procurement, aids, environment, transparency), Deputy Head of Division and member of the EIB Legal Service for activities in Italy. He also served as Spokesperson of the EIB Staff Representatives.

Education and qualifications

  • Law Degree, University of Palermo, 1980

  • Master of Advanced European Studies at the College of Europe, Bruges, 1982

  • Visiting Fellow, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 2002

  • CHEE – Cycle of Higher European Studies, ENA – INSP, Paris, 2016

  • Management and Business Administration Course, IMD – International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, 2017

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