Angelo Alfonso Speranza


Angelo Alfonso Speranza has specific experience in advising financial institutions, asset management companies and investment funds, corporate groups in domestic and cross-border, syndicated or bilateral financing transactions, including acquisition financing, real estate financing as well as general corporate lending transactions.
Angelo also assists arrangers, issuers and/or investors in stand-alone bond issuance transactions or bond issuances under basket bond programmes.

Education and qualifications

  • Law Degree, Carlo Cattaneo University – L.I.U.C., 2004

  • London School of Economics – Visiting Scholar, Law Degree, 2005

  • Member of the Busto Arsizio Bar Association, 2009

  • Queen Mary University of London – Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Banking & Finance, 2010

  • BPP Law School, London – Qualified Lawyers Transfer Tests, 2013

  • Roll of Solicitors of the Senior Courts of England and Wales, 2014


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