Banking and Finance
Paraguay reaches investment grade for the first time in its history
The risk rating agency Moody’s announced that it raised Paraguay’s credit rating from Ba1 to Baa3, granting it investment grade for the first time in its history, reported the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) on past July 24, 2024. Paraguay joins a select group of countries in the region to have the sovereign degree, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.
In a statement, they indicated that this stable outlook is reached after 26 years when the rating agency assigned a rating to Paraguay for the first time and after 9 years since the last upward review. “This unprecedented achievement is based on the country’s solid economic fundamentals and its long history of macroeconomic stability,” the MEF said.
They claim that it is the result of more than 20 years of responsible, consistent and predictable public policies. Prudent management of macroeconomic policies was able to achieve and preserve the sustainability of public finances and maintain low inflation
Agreement between Paraguay and Spain to avoid double taxation finally in force
After ratification by Paraguayan Law Nr. 7.271/2024 and publication in the Official bulletin of the Spanish Kingdom on July 29, 2024, said important agreement for the economic relationships between both countries shall be in force starting October 14, 2024, having effect for all tax purposes since January 1, 2025.
The agreement comprehends the Personal Income Tax, Corporate Tax and Non Resident income taxes in both countries (the so called IRP, IRE and IDU, and INR in Paraguay and IRPF, IS and IRNR in Spain) document observes OECD standards and includes measures to prevent tax base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), affecting to Personal and Company income taxes in both countries (including income taxes for non-residents), which must now be ratified by the respective Congresses for its entry into force. Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital 2017 shall be applicable for the interpretation of articles 5 (permanent establishment) and 7 (entrepreneurial benefits) of said Agreement.
Amendment of Law “On the Independent Production and Transmission of Electric Energy (PTIEE)”
On August 20224 Law No. 7299/2024 that amend Law Nr. 3009/2006 was enacted to foster private investments for the generation of renewable electricity through small hydroelectric plants (SHPs), by introducing correction of concepts that blocked the previous legislation to be applicable and improving the legal framework, by extending the threshold to grant licenses up to 50 MW and generation greater than 50MW should be subject to international public tenders, without the requirement of a risk-sharing contract with the national utility company (ANDE) as stated in the previous Law, although it retains a first call right to acquire the energy generated in case it is not exported or it is needed in the internal market.
Among other changes, the Ministry of Public Works and Communications replaced a Council of several Ministries (MOPC, Environment, Industry and Trade, Foreign Affairs) that made the procedure very bureaucratic. It must be clarified that shall Law is only applicable for the generation of electricity from the use of natural gas and/or minor hydroelectric generation, which also includes cogenerators and self-generators. This Law does not apply to other renewable energies (solar, wind) governed by Law No. 6977/2023, on Non-Conventional Renewable Energies (NCRE).
Public Procurement
Enactment of Decree Nr. 2264/2024, which regulates Law No. 7021 of December 9, 2022, “On Public Supply and Procurement”.
This decree imposes a significant advance in what has to do with administrative management in public procurement. It seeks to improve efficiency, transparency and all flexibility in everything that has to do with public procurement processes. There are updates in terms of terminology, structure, facilitating reading and limiting the search for information and providing greater clarity to the management of State procurement, reducing the deadlines that have to do with protests, reconsideration appeals and deadlines for responses from public institutions to the DNCP.
A special type of bidding that he highlighted is joint procurement, which he described as an innovation in public procurement. It consists of public institutions coming together to buy goods or services, in search of efficiency through the implementation of economies of scale and administrative standardization. The annual average of the awards is USD 3.246 million, with 9.513 procedures and 3.266 suppliers.
