Lens on Chile



This agreement positions Chile in an advantageous place compared to its South American peers and gives it tax benefits for trade with the world’s leading economy. But almost a year after its implementation, it is still little known in the country, so the corporate and investment structures it offers are not being used well.


After almost fourteen years of rest in the US Senate, the long- awaited agreement between Chile and the United States that put an end to double taxation came into force. Indeed, since February 4, 2010, when it was signed in Washington D.C., and having passed through our country five administrations, its application is now a reality. This positions Chile in an advantageous place compared to its South American peers, while trading with the world’s leading economy, which complements the current Free Trade Agreement.

However, since its entry into force on January 1, 2024, it is striking that legal and accounting advisors, and the business fabric, with some exceptions, have made little use of it, in circumstances that this agreement represents 10.9% of Chilean foreign investment, and can be used from large-scale capital to mere personal service providers.


Among the main benefits is the mitigation of the tax impact. In figures, the US federal system establishes a corporate tax of 21%. With the remaining 79%, a difference occurs with the agreement. Previously, there was a Withholding of 30%, which is now reduced to 5%. Thus, the final tax burden decreases from 44.7% to 24.95%. If we compare it with the complementary global tax of 35%, there is an advantage of just over 10 points. Of course, it will be necessary to make case-by-case analyses, such as State Tax Rates, but the advantage is abysmal.


In the first place, it is necessary to review the current investment structures. Among the current cases, we find someone who wants to invest in real estate in the United States. One way is through direct investment, without corporate structures. In this case, there will be three types of problems; Estate Tax, with the colossal inheritance tax; Firpta, a law that taxes the sale of real estate by foreigners with 15%; and, finally, the null option of claiming expenses for the complementary global tax.

However, this situation could be improved with the agreement if the investor is structured through a Limited Liability Company (LLC) -with a check the box (CTB)-, thus avoiding the payment of Estate Tax and Firpta, and being owned by an SpA or SRL, both considered corporations for US purposes. In summary, the agreement would allow the benefit of the aforementioned 5% withholding.

A similar application of the agreement could be used by investors with investment accounts. Therefore, it is necessary to review the investment cases, since heavy structures could generate high costs, and in return, light structures could produce tax carelessness and civil exposure.


The spirit of the treaty is to encourage investments, but without Treaty Shopping or abusive conduct. Proof of this are the authorizations of article 24, which, although it establishes a limitation on benefits, by LOB clause, allows its use through “qualified person”; tests, with the substance of the operation predominating. Therefore, by complying with the established requirements, it would allow access to foreign investors, encouraging international trade.


In summary, we appreciate that the agreement provided legal certainty through the establishment of clear and permanent rules, essential for long-term wealth planning. From this we derive the necessary review and rethinking of current corporate structures, so that they can be used by all investment ranges, including those on a smaller scale.

Finally, the agreement and current times require legal and accounting teams to have an adequate understanding of foreign regulations and even the formation of alliances with foreign firms, in order to provide a comprehensive service and thus determine the most suitable structures to prevent potential legal and tax conflicts and to guarantee relations on a transnational horizon.


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