Legal changes that started to apply in Slovenia on January 2023

Slovenia has passed several new acts in recent months, three of which started to apply on January 26, 2023. We’ve rounded up the key novelties of each act and present them below.

The first act (ZPOmK-2) regulates anti-competitive practices and mergers which have had or may have an effect on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and serious obstacles to effective competition, as well as specific compensation provisions for violations of competition law.

The second act (ZVOP-2) establishes the rights, obligations, legality to protect personal data and the exercise of justification for interference with privacy, dignity, confidentiality of personal data, right to data self-determination or other fundamental rights of individuals when processing personal data.

The last presented act (ZvPot-1) sets out the rights of consumers when companies offer, sell and otherwise market goods, services and digital content and imposes obligations on companies, government authorities and others to ensure these rights.

Read more about it in attached file



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