Grimaldi Alliance: Nuovo brand, nuovi ingressi, promozioni e crescita internazionale

“Grimaldi Alliance is born….. it is the first time that an Italian professional entity is able to offer such a wide geographical coverage in Italy and abroad, with such a unique mix of skills: a real one-stop shop, for all the services available and the countries covered: the fundamental differentiator of Grimaldi Alliance is in the mix of skills it has and in the interdisciplinary approach it can offer in all areas, at national and international level unique in its kind”.

Grimaldi Alliance’s areas of expertise are corporate and M&A, corporate crisis, tax, banking&finance, litigation and arbitration, labour law and labour relations, PNRR and public financing, cybersecurity and AI, antitrust/EU law, administrative and public economic law, and advocacy.

Equally important are the economic sectors in which the Grimaldi Alliance is structured to offer public and private, national and international clients a one-stop shop in all its locations: energy, public procurement and utilities, real estate, infrastructure and transport, pharmaceutical, digital, agriculture, distribution, media.

“In all these areas, we can assist clients from the development phase of their projects, as well as in their public or market financing, dealing with regulatory issues, managing acquisitions or divestments, quotations, as well as public and private litigation profiles, as well as employment and tax issues. We know how to support clients in the development phase as well as in the disinvestment or crisis phase. We have a flexible approach to managing professional fees, always very much linked to the usefulness of our professional support, comments managing partner Francesco Sciaudone.

These are the numbers of the new professional reality that Francesco Sciaudone has built in the last 3 years (6 offices opened in the last 18 months: Naples, Turin, Treviso, Padua, Verona, Paris, with about 150 new professionals), developing the activity of Grimaldi Law Firm:

  • about 500 professionals: a unique mix of skills, for a real one-stop shop, with about 300 lawyers, about 100 tax and advisors (corporate finance, real estate, public finance);
  • 14 offices: a unique national coverage (9 offices in Italy – Milan, Rome, Turin, Treviso, Padua, Verona, Parma, Naples, Bari – and 5 abroad, Brussels, London, Paris, New York, Lugano). Grimaldi Alliance in particular has started 2023 with the opening of a new office in Paris (where it will be present with 5 new French colleagues). Other openings in Italy (e.g. Bologna, Catania, Trieste) and abroad are planned over the course of the year, with new partnerships soon to be defined all over the world;
  • more than 50 in countries: we are present worldwide with as many local partners (Grimaldi Alliance is present in the following countries: Albania, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, China, Cyprus, Egypt, El Salvador, United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Iraq, Italy, Luxembourg, Malaysia, North Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, South Africa, Tunisia, Turkey, Hungary, Uruguay and the USA);
  • 2000 professionals worldwide: not counting the more than 12000 professionals of Yingke, which with its 103 offices in the world is a leader in Asia Pacific and has concluded a strategic cooperation agreement with the Grimaldi Alliance to collaborate worldwide.

Since January Grimaldi Alliance is also present in 3 new countries: Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador.

The new year also sees the start of the Grimaldi Alliance Internship Programme, whereby the aim is to recruit one new professional per month, for each location, with the aim of recruiting at least 100 new professionals by 2023.

But the year also starts with a lot of news! The growth continues with the arrival of three new partners: Claudio Piacentini in Turin, Francesco Conti in Milan and Rosaria Arancio in Rome.

Claudio Piacentini and his team have a great deal of experience in public and private contract law, assisting and representing companies and administrations before administrative and ordinary courts, both in the award phase and in the execution phase of public contracts. They also have experience in public-private partnerships and in liability proceedings before the Court of Auditors.

Francesco Conti, who joins with a team of 4 associates, focuses on real estate and privacy. Francesco has been advising for more than ten years private national companies, including regulated ones, and multinationals in relevant investment transactions in real estate assets for retail (with particular regard to shopping centres, business parks and outlets), hotel and leisure, student, industrial and logistics purposes. For private companies and institutional investors Francesco also advises on privacy and ESG issues and acts as DPO.

Rosaria Arancio and her team will coordinate the energy practice, which she has always followed, as she is now one of the most respected professionals in the sector with extensive experience with national and international clients.

In line with the professional growth policy started last year, internal growth also continues: Donatella de Lieto Vollaro, who has always dealt with financial law in relation to capital market transactions, mainly equity, becomes an equity partner; Cristiano Chiofalo, with a consolidated experience in administrative law, becomes an income partner; Angelo Alfonso Speranza – one of the most active and experienced young professionals in banking and finance – becomes an income partner. With them Simona Cornaglia, Francesca Romana Ferro, Giulia Lovaste, Fabrizia Pellone and Giada Salvini will be the new counsels of Grimaldi Alliance.

The presence of the Grimaldi Alliance in the field of public financing, the PNRR and the new EU programming, in support of the growth of the country’s production system and in support of the Public Administration’s infrastructural interventions, has been further strengthened with the arrival of outstanding professionals who will join the PNRR team coordinated by Prof. Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella. Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella: senior advisor Lina D’Amato, based in Rome, a great expert in public finance with significant experience in industrial policy and access to public funding; senior advisor Riccardo Fontanelli, based in Rome, a great expert in technology and innovation in the field of start-ups and SMEs; senior advisor Andrea Caraffini, based in Parma and Milan, with significant experience in development contracts and access to public grants.

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