EU Alert

Introductory remarks by President von der Leyen at the end of the extraordinary meeting of the European Council on 24 February 2022 – On 25.02.2022, President von der Leyen, at the end of the joint press conference with President Michel and President Macron that followed the extraordinary meeting of the European Council on 24 February 2022, said: ‘President Putin has chosen to bring war back to Europe. Ukraine is suffering a real invasion, which calls into question the very foundation of our peace arrangement. But today is also the day when the European Union presents a united and united front. Last night, European leaders in unison condemned these unprovoked and heinous attacks. We must now rise to the occasion: the Kremlin will be held to account. The set of massive and targeted sanctions that European leaders approved tonight is a clear demonstration of this. The impact on the Russian economy and the country’s political elite will be the most violent ever. The sanctions affect five areas: first, the financial sector; second, the energy sector; third, the transport sector; fourth, export control and the ban on export financing; and fifth, visa policy.”


Mims: the Council of Ministers approves the decree schemes for the simplifications of public transport in the Venice lagoon and for the scrapping of end-of-life vehicles – On 24.02.2022, the Council of Ministers gave its preliminary approval to two decree schemes of the President of the Republic of interest to Mims. These are the simplification decree for local public transport (Tpl) in the Venice lagoon and the decree on the establishment of the single telematic register of end-of-life vehicles to streamline scrapping procedures. More specifically, the draft decree on public transport in the Venice lagoon amends the Regulation for the safety of navigation, taking into account the specific nature of this type of transport and the environment in which it operates. The purpose of the amendment is to simplify the provisions in order to facilitate the service provided by boats sailing exclusively within the lagoon’s protected waters. The draft decree also takes into account the peculiar organisation of public transport services in the lagoon area, characterised by frequent shifts of crews, frequent embarkation and disembarkation, and the continuous variation in the number of passengers on board. After preliminary approval, the opinion of the State-Regions Conference and the Council of State must be acquired. With regard to the scrapping of end-of-life vehicles, the draft decree establishes a single telematic register at the Civil Vehicle Registration Office, simplifying the procedures for scrapping and deregistration from the Public Motor Vehicle Register. In this case, after preliminary approval, the opinion of the Council of State will have to be acquired.


Mims: Road haulage emergency – measures for the sector defined in the Energy Decree – On 24.02.2022 the Road Haulage Table concluded the definition of the measures that will become part of the Energy Decree to support the road haulage sector, which has been penalised by structural problems in the supply chain and increases in fuel costs. During the meeting between the Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, Teresa Bellanova, and the trade associations, the measures were shared, which in detail include 20 million euros to support the trucking sector in the cost of tolls; 5 million to implement the flat-rate deduction for undocumented expenses; tax credit equal to 15 per cent net of VAT aimed at the purchase of AdBlu for a total investment of over 29 million euros; and tax credit equal to 20 per cent net of VAT to support the purchase of LNG, with a total investment of 25 million euros. Deputy Minister Teresa Bellanova was satisfied not only with the agreement reached, but also with the start of the debate on the rules long awaited by the sector and the commitment made by the representative associations to work together to ease territorial tensions.


Trade Associations

ETF: Transport unions call for immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian army from Ukraine – Following the military escalation in Ukraine, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) are calling for an immediate ceasefire of hostilities, the return of the conflict to a diplomatic level, and respect for international human rights and humanitarian law. They state: ‘All our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine. The hearts and minds of transport workers around the world weigh heavily when we witness the outbreak of war. We know that transport workers are particularly threatened. We have received confirmed and unconfirmed reports of the military targeting transport infrastructure, changing control of airports and railways, closing airspace and ports.” They also add that the ITF and ETF support UN Secretary General António Guterres’ calls for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in eastern Ukraine in accordance with the Minsk agreements.




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