EU Alert

EU Cohesion Policy: more than EUR 110 million for the modernisation of a railway corridor in western Bulgaria – On 15.7.2022 the Commission approved an investment of more than EUR 110 million from the Cohesion Fund for the first phase of a project to modernise a railway corridor in western Bulgaria, part of a wider TEN-T network between Sofia and the Serbian border. The modernisation concerns a 33.34 km long section between Voluyak and Dragoman. The railway line section connects western Bulgaria with Serbia and is part of the transport corridor connecting Turkey with western and central Europe.


State aid: Commission approves public funding of up to €5.4 billion from fifteen Member States to support a major project of common European interest on the hydrogen technology value chain – The Commission, under EU state aid rules, has approved a major project of common European interest (IPCEI) to support research and innovation in the field of hydrogen use. The project, called ‘IPCEI Hy2Tech’, was prepared and notified jointly by 15 Member States: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain. The Member States will provide up to €5.4 billion of public funding, which should unlock a further €8.8 billion of private investment. Under this IPCEI, 35 companies active in one or more Member States, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups, will participate in 41 projects. The IPCEI will cover a wide part of the hydrogen value chain, including (i) hydrogen production, (ii) fuel cells, (iii) hydrogen storage, transport and distribution, and (iv) end-use applications, particularly in the mobility sector. It is expected to contribute to the development of important technological innovations, e.g. new materials for highly efficient electrodes, more efficient fuel cells and innovative transport technologies, including the first hydrogen mobility technologies.


Road safety: Commission urges 6 Member States to comply with revised Road Infrastructure Safety Management Directive – On 15.7.2022, the Commission sent reasoned opinions to Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia for incomplete transposition of the revised European legislation on road infrastructure safety management. The amendment of Directive 2008/96/EC, adopted in 2019 with an extended scope, requires the establishment and implementation of procedures for road safety impact assessments, road safety audits, road safety inspections and network-wide road safety assessments by Member States. These measures ensure road safety, also taking into account the needs of vulnerable road users. All these obligations had to be transposed by 17 December 2021. Today’s reasoned opinions follow the letters of formal notice sent by the Commission in January 2022. Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia now have 2 months to notify the Commission of measures taken to ensure full transposition of the Directive, after which the Commission may decide to refer the case to the EU’s Court of Justice.





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