
Grimaldi Alliance operates in Portugal through the law firm Valadas Coriel & Associados (VCA). Founded in 2001, VCA is today considered a comprehensive and versatile law firm, characterised by a team that combines experience, expertise and creativity to support clients in a wide range of projects, both nationally and internationally.


VCA’s dynamic yet informal environment has attracted lawyers from leading law firms and accounting firms, enabling the firm to pool resources and experience through networks and relationships based on trust.

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Rua Queimada de Cima, 28, 2.º M


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Rua Tierno Galvan 10, Torre 3 Piso 16

News from Portugal

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Jun 19 2024

Lens on Portugal

What to do after the approval of the nationality process?

The process of obtaining Portuguese nationality consists of seven distinct phases. After the successful completion of this process, however, there are still some procedures to be carried out for the issuance of Portuguese documents that officially certify the individual’s new identity as a Portuguese citizen.

Once the nationality application is approved, the new Portuguese citizen is registered with the Civil Registry of Portugal, and the respective Portuguese birth certificate is issued. This certificate is essential for various administrative and legal procedures.

With the Portuguese birth certificate in hand, the new citizen should request the issuance of other important documents. One of them is the citizen card, which identifies the Portuguese citizen to any public or private entity. It is valid throughout the national territory, as well as in European Union countries.

In addition to the citizen card, it is possible to apply for the issuance of the Portuguese passport, an essential document for international travel.

The issuance of such documents not only guarantees the official recognition of Portuguese citizenship but also enables the full exercise of civil, political, and social rights, as well as compliance with the duties established by Portuguese legislation.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Jun 18 2024

Lens on Portugal

The importance of document validity in the Portuguese nationality process

When starting the process of obtaining Portuguese nationality, it is crucial to be aware not only of the necessary documents but also of their validity period. This is often an overlooked aspect but can have a significant impact on the progress of the process.

The documents required for the Portuguese nationality process must be up to date and within the validity period established by the competent authorities. This includes documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, criminal records, among others.

For example, birth and marriage certificates usually have more flexible validity periods, as they refer to static events in a person’s life. On the other hand, documents such as criminal records have shorter validity periods and need to be renewed regularly to ensure they are up to date at the time of nationality application submission.

Additionally, it is essential to consider the time required to obtain and apostille or legalize documents. Depending on the country of origin and local procedures, it may take weeks or even months to gather all the necessary documentation and ensure its validity before the Portuguese authorities.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to start the process of obtaining documents well in advance to avoid unnecessary delays in the nationality process.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Jun 18 2024

Lens on Portugal

New Procedure: Expression of Interest (Manifestação de Interesse)

The Agency for Migration, Integration, and Asylum (AIMA) has launched the process for the  regularization of immigrant candidates applying for the Expression of Interest (EOI). Priority is being given to older processes that have been awaiting an in-person interview for a longer period.

The change in the procedure that was previously followed will be communicated to the candidates via email. AIMA, has already initiated the dispatch of said notifications to the first candidates on the waiting list.

During the initial phase, candidates will be notified to pre-pay the fee for the issuance of their residence permit. Upon completing the payment, they will receive a new email with a direct link to a platform (soon to be launched by AIMA). Here, they must resubmit all the supplementary documentation for the EOI request, ensuring it is duly updated.

This new mechanism will expedite the approval of requests and subsequent issuance of residence permits. Appointments will exclusively be granted to candidates who have made the payment. During the appointment, staff can be assured that the submitted documents are up-to-date and have been previously reviewed.

Currently, for this procedure to take effect, it is necessary for the mentioned platform to become operational, with AIMA has announced that its launch is imminent. In conclusion, we would like to highlight that the adoption of this procedure will contribute to fulfilling one of AIMA’s key missions since its establishment on 1st November 2023: to modernize and simplify administrative procedures to address pending cases in a reasonable timeframe, without neglecting necessary security requirements.

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