
Grimaldi Alliance is present in Italy with 11 strategic offices, guaranteeing a widespread presence throughout the country.


With over 500 professionals, it assists Italian and international clients in the main areas of law, with recognised competence and professionalism. It is able to respond to the different needs of clients by offering customised support of the highest quality.

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Via della Zecca 1
40121, Bologna

+051 4073200


Via Sigismondo n. 46
Rimini (RN)


Corso Europa, 12
20122 Milan

+39 02 30309330


Via Pinciana, 25
00198 Roma

+39 06 45206220


Via Calefati, 6
70121 Bari

+39 080 8642350


Strada della Repubblica, 57
43121 Parma

+39 0521 239489


Galleria dei Borromeo, 3
35137 Padova

+39 049 8775811


Via Posillipo, 9
80123 Napoli

+39 081 19623100


Via Antonio Locatelli, 3
37122 Verona

+39 045 8097000


Via Maria Vittoria, 6
10123 Torino

+39 011 544178


Via San Nicolò, 42
31100 Treviso

+39 0422 1626262

Our professionals

News from Italy

Grimaldi Alliance


Jun 10 2024

Giovanni Sabatini Senior advisor of Grimaldi Alliance

Giovanni Sabatini joins GA as senior advisor, where he will coordinate the entire area of expertise in Banking, Regulatory, and Financial Services. In particular, he will be in charge of strategic consultancy in relations with Italian (Bank of Italy, Consob, Ivass, Agcm, Covip) and European (European Commission, European Central Bank, ESMA, EBA, SRB) institutions in the banking, financial and insurance fields.

Graduated in Economics and Business at the LUISS University in Rome, he began his professional career in 1984 at Arthur Young & Co. After an experience in Consob, in 2001 he was CEO of Monte Titoli S.p.A. and Chairman of ECSDA.

After joining Consob as Director of the Intermediaries Division, he was Head of the Legal and Banking Affairs Department of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

In 2008 he returned to Consob as Co-Director, and from 2009 to 2024 he took on the role of Director General of the ABI.

In recent years, he has been for two two-year terms Chairman of the Executive Committee of FBE, Chairman of the Strategic Committee for Sustainable Growth of FBE, member of the EESC; Vice-Chairman of Bancomat, member of the Board of Directors of Fondo Italiano di Investimento, member of the Italian Committee for Corporate Governance, member of the Consultation Committee of Borsa Italiana. He is Vice-President of CBI and independent director of the Deposit Protection Fund.

‘’We are very excited‘’, says Francesco Sciaudone, Global Managing Partner of GA, ‘’that Giovanni will be able to contribute to the development of GA in a strategic sector such as banking, finance and insurance in Italy and Europe, to the benefit of all national and international clients. Giovanni's contribution will be fundamental to finally building a professional service offer (strategic, legal and tax) for the market and economic operators who have always had to deal with an increasingly complex regulatory mosaic and a plurality of stakeholders.‘’

Grimaldi Alliance


Jun 08 2024

Gianluca Bertolotti new of counsel of Grimaldi Alliance 

Gianluca Bertolotti is Grimaldi Alliance's new of counsel in corporate governance and corporate crisis. His arrival further strengthens the Rome office and its area of expertise in commercial, corporate and industrial law, advisory and litigation.

Bertolotti is Professor of Commercial Law and Industrial Law at the University of Roma Tre, where he is also Director of the Commercial Law Area of the School of Specialisation for the Legal Professions. He is also a lecturer at the Guardia di Finanza School of Economic and Financial Police and a member of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Economy and Finance for the continuous training of Legal Auditors.

Bertolotti is a highly experienced professional with significant expertise in corporate law, financial markets, corporate governance, arbitration, banking law, crisis law and restructuring; in his long career he has held and continues to hold prestigious institutional and academic positions.

Professor Bertolotti has also been Legal Advisor to the Bicameral Commission of Inquiry into the Banking and Financial Markets System, Judicial Advisor to the Rome Court of Appeal and Head of Assonime's Corporate and Financial Markets sector, and is a lawyer admitted to practice before the Superior Jurisdictions.

"We are delighted to welcome Gianluca Bertolotti to Grimaldi Alliance. I am sure that he will bring with him an important professional background deriving from his years of experience in the academic world and in the profession and will be able to further enrich the quality of professional services that we increasingly want to offer in an integrated manner to national and international clients,’ commented Francesco Sciaudone, Global Managing Partner of Grimaldi Alliance.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Apr 17 2024

Litigation Bullettin

This contribution offers a review of the main new developments in civil procedural law, as well as in banking, corporate, bankruptcy and intellectual property law, through an analysis of the most recent and most relevant rulings of law and merit.

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