Grimaldi Alliance

EU Business Law and sanctions

Grimaldi Alliance

In the field of European trade law and sanctions, our firm delivers specialised legal advice, offering comprehensive and tailored support to our clients on a broad range of issues relating to the European Union and international organisations.

Our team of experts provides guidance of different aspect on European Union law, including:

Advice to EU Institutions and International Organisations: We provide expert advice to EU institutions and international organisations on legal, regulatory and procedural issues. Our aim is to offer comprehensive support to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations and to promote regulatory compliance.

FDI (Foreign Direct Investment): Drawing from extensive experience, we assist clients on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) issues, advising on FDI regulations, procedures and legal obligations while safeguarding national and strategic interests. Our team is able to provide comprehensive support to ensure regulatory compliance and mitigate associated risks.

International Trade: We provide expert counsel on international trade, covering EU trade regulations, international trade agreements and regulatory compliance issues. Our aim is to assist clients in navigating the complex regulatory landscape of international trade, devising effective strategies to address challenges and capitalize on opportunities in the global marketplace.

Sanctions: With our dedicated team of experts, we provide clients with expert advice on international sanctions, encompassing EU sanctions and other restrictive measures. Our comprehensive support ensures regulatory compliance and adept management of associated risks.

Our experts




Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Jun 26 2024

EU Alert - Consultions and Calls

This newsletter provides a selection of opinions and analysis from our EU legal experts on interesting policy developments, recent case law and new regulatory directions of major industry practices. It is released biweekly and covers areas such as: Competition Law, Sanctions, Trade, Energy, Finance, EU funds, Data IP and Privacy, Life Sciences, Transport and Court of Justice of the European Union news.

The aim is to provide an up–to–date tool for quick and easy consultation on the most current and important topics at EU level.


The European Commission launches consultation on Trade in e-waste & amendments to the Basel Convention annexes (03.07.2024) – The fifteenth Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention amended the Basel Convention's Annexes II, III and VIII to bring all imports and exports of electrical and electronic waste under the scope of that Convention. The amendments will enter into force from 1st January 2025 and will apply to all Parties to the Convention, including the EU and its Member States. This initiative incorporates these changes into EU law (EU Waste Shipment Regulation), which is due for publication in April 2024.

The European Commission launches consultation on Tariff quotas – amended rules on reference quantity requirement (03.07.2024) – Regulation (EU) 2020/760 lays down rules for EU importers to apply for import licences. Importers can apply for licenses for up to the average annual quantity of products with the same origin released for free circulation in the EU in the past 2 years. This initiative adjusts the rules on reference quantity to avoid any risk of market distortions posed by recent market developments in some sensitive sectors.

The European Commission launches EU environmental law – 2025 implementation review (05.07.2024) – The environmental implementation review is a regular cycle of analysis, dialogue and collaboration to improve the implementation of EU environmental policy and law in EU countries. This initiative identifies the main implementation gaps in EU countries and addresses their root causes, proposes solutions, provides technical assistance and facilitates the exchange of good practices, raises awareness and makes it easier for everyone involved to find information on implementing these policies.

The European Commission launches consultation on Cooperation on direct taxation (07.07.2024) – Directive 2011/16/EU (directive on administrative cooperation - DAC) establishes a system for secure administrative cooperation between the national tax authorities of EU countries and lays down rules and procedures for exchanging information. This evaluation will assess the effectiveness, efficiency and continued relevance of the DAC and its amendments (DAC2 to DAC6), as well as its coherence with other policy initiatives & priorities and the EU added value.

The European Commission launches consultation on energy labelling requirements for computers (18.07.2024) – The Regulation aims to help consumers choose the most energy-efficient computers by using a scale from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). The energy label will also provide other useful information on durability and reparability. The consultation covers both the ecodesign and energy labelling initiatives. This consultation covers both the Eco-design and Energy labelling interlinked initiatives. You just need to provide feedback once.

The European Commission launches consultation on Trade in seal products – fitness check of EU rules (07.08.2024) – Seals are hunted in parts of the world for commercial, subsistence and cultural reasons. In 1983, following people's concerns about animal welfare, the EU banned the import of certain seal pup skins. In 2009, a general ban on placing seal products on the EU market was introduced, with two exceptions. This initiative will assess if the rules in place remain fit for purpose, focusing on their socio-economic impact and their impact on seal populations.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Jun 26 2024

EU Alert - Data, IP and Privacy

This newsletter provides a selection of opinions and analysis from our EU legal experts on interesting policy developments, recent case law and new regulatory directions of major industry practices. It is released biweekly and covers areas such as: Competition Law, Sanctions, Trade, Energy, Finance, EU funds, Data IP and Privacy, Life Sciences, Transport and Court of Justice of the European Union news.

The aim is to provide an up–to–date tool for quick and easy consultation on the most current and important topics at EU level.


Data protection: Council agrees position on GDPR enforcement rules (13.06.2024) – The Council has reached an agreement on a common member states’ position on a new law which will improve cooperation between national data protection authorities when they enforce the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Council position maintains the general thrust of the proposal but amends the draft regulation as regards clearer timelines, enhanced and efficient cooperation and early resolution mechanism.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Jun 26 2024

EU Alert - Transport and Electric Vehicles

This newsletter provides a selection of opinions and analysis from our EU legal experts on interesting policy developments, recent case law and new regulatory directions of major industry practices. It is released biweekly and covers areas such as: Competition Law, Sanctions, Trade, Energy, Finance, EU funds, Data IP and Privacy, Life Sciences, Transport and Court of Justice of the European Union news.

The aim is to provide an up–to–date tool for quick and easy consultation on the most current and important topics at EU level.


Road safety: Council of the EU approves conclusions to strengthen the EU’s efforts to achieve its road safety objectives (18.06.2024) – The Council of the EU has approved conclusions on a European Court of Auditors’ (ECA) report aiming to strengthen EU’s efforts to achieve its road safety objectives. The text highlights the importance of investing on high-quality, resilient, and sustainable road infrastructure, and the related road safety planning obligations, as well as of interconnectivity and interoperability of data related to traffic to improve road safety management. Finally, the conclusions acknowledge the potential for road safety of innovative technologies, putting them into perspective regarding driver knowledge and behaviour and with regard to the co-existence with vulnerable road users and with users of human-controlled vehicles.

Greening freight package: Council of the EU adopts its position for a more efficient management of rail infrastructure capacity and traffic (18.06.2024) – The Council of the EU adopted its negotiating position (general approach) on a new regulation on the use of railway infrastructure capacity in the single European railway area. This piece of legislation forms part of the Commission’s ‘greening freight’ package together with proposals on a harmonised system to count EU emissions, on maximum weights and dimensions for heavy-duty vehicles, and the revision of the combined transport directive. The new regulation’s more specific objectives are to: (i) enable more effective capacity management procedures; (ii) strengthen incentives to improve performance of rail infrastructure and rail transport services; (iii) introduce more effective mechanisms for coordination between stakeholders, in particular across borders, and (iv) support the deployment of digital tools enabling better capacity and traffic management. Following the adoption of the Council’s negotiating mandate (general approach), the incoming presidency can begin talks (‘trilogues’) with the European Parliament on this file.

Trans-European transport network (TEN-T): Council of the EU adopts new regulation ensuring better and sustainable connectivity in Europe (13.06.2024) – The Council of the EU adopted a revised regulation regarding EU guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). The new law aims to build a reliable, seamless, and high-quality transport network that ensures sustainable connectivity across Europe without physical interruptions, bottlenecks, and missing links. The TEN-T network will be developed or upgraded step by step with the new regulation setting clear deadlines for its completion in three phases: until 2030 for the core network, 2040 for the extended core network and 2050 for the comprehensive network. Following the Council’s adoption, the legislative act will be signed by the presidents of the Council and of the European Parliament before being published in the EU’s official journal in the coming weeks. The revised regulation will enter into force twenty days after this publication.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Jun 26 2024

EU Alert - Life Sciences

This newsletter provides a selection of opinions and analysis from our EU legal experts on interesting policy developments, recent case law and new regulatory directions of major industry practices. It is released biweekly and covers areas such as: Competition Law, Sanctions, Trade, Energy, Finance, EU funds, Data IP and Privacy, Life Sciences, Transport and Court of Justice of the European Union news.

The aim is to provide an up–to–date tool for quick and easy consultation on the most current and important topics at EU level.


The European Commission sends Statement of Objections to Alchem over first pharmaceutical cartel case in the EU (13.06.2024) – The European Commission has informed Alchem International Pvt. Ltd. and its subsidiary Alchem International (H.K.) Limited (together ‘Alchem') of its preliminary view that they have breached EU antitrust rules by participating in a long-lasting cartel concerning an important pharmaceutical product. Alchem is a producer of the pharmaceutical ingredient N-Butylbromide Scopolamine/Hyoscine (‘SNBB'). The Commission has concerns that Alchem may have coordinated and agreed with other market participants to fix the minimum sales price of SNBB to customers (i.e., distributors and generic drug manufacturers) and to allocate quotas. In addition, Alchem may have exchanged commercially sensitive information with competitors. In October 2023, the Commission adopted a settlement decision in relation to the same cartel and concerning other companies.


Radioisotopes for medical use: the Council adopts its conclusion (17.06.2024) – The Council of the EU has endorsed its conclusions to secure the supply of radioisotopes for medical use as part of the Belgian presidency's priorities. Reiterating the critical role of radioisotopes for medical use in the diagnosis of cancer, heart conditions and other diseases, Council’s conclusions call on the European Commission to act on five key pillars: (i) Europe's global leadership role in the supply of radioisotopes for medical use, making tangible and rapid progress on the relevant actions identified; (ii) The monitoring and forecasting of demand and supply of all relevant radioisotopes for medical use (iii) Research and innovation on topics related to radioisotopes for medical use and other medical-radiological technologies (iv) The evaluation and development of critical skills (v) The evaluation of the framework for the transport of radioisotopes for medical use to help ensure access by patients in all member states. The Council also urges the European Medicines Regulatory Network to review all radiopharmaceuticals authorized in Europe and assess their criticality according to the existing methodology. Finally, the conclusions emphasize the important contribution of European research nuclear reactors and other nuclear facilities capable of producing radioisotopes for medical use at the levels needed to meet long-term needs in the Union, and the importance of these facilities, as well as the expertise that enables the production of these radioisotopes, continuing to be located in the European Union.


Faster access to clinical trial information in Europe (18.06.2024) – The launch of a new version of the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) will allow earlier and more efficient access to information about clinical trials in the European Union (EU) for patients, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders. This is due to the revised transparency rules that become applicable on 18th June 2024 in Europe.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Jun 26 2024

EU Alert - Funds

This newsletter provides a selection of opinions and analysis from our EU legal experts on interesting policy developments, recent case law and new regulatory directions of major industry practices. It is released biweekly and covers areas such as: Competition Law, Sanctions, Trade, Energy, Finance, EU funds, Data IP and Privacy, Life Sciences, Transport and Court of Justice of the European Union news.

The aim is to provide an up–to–date tool for quick and easy consultation on the most current and important topics at EU level.


Spain: the European Investment Bank Group and Banco Santander to unlock 1.2 billion euro in new financing to back small businesses and mid-caps (18.06.2024) – The European Investment Bank Group has invested 530 million euro in a Banco Santander asset-backed securitisation operation. This investment will enable Banco Santander to unlock almost 1.2 billion euro, contributing to finance green and women's entrepreneurship projects, among others. The operation contributes to EIB Group priorities such as climate action, cohesion, and the development of the European securitisation market.

France: European Investment Bank invests 150 million euro in EDF’s 3 billion euro green bond issued on 11th June 2024 (14.06.2024) – The European Investment Bank (EIB) has invested 150 million euro in a 3 billion euro multi-tranche senior green bond issue from energy company EDF. The EIB investment applies to the longer-term (20-year) bond tranche, with the EIB's contribution representing 12% of the financing for this 1.25-billion-euro tranche. This is the first time that the EIB has participated in an EDF green bond issue. The funds raised will finance investment in adapting the electrical grid to the needs of the energy transition.

Czechia: railway safety and capacity strengthened with European Investment Bank loan of 13 billion euro (13.06.2024) – The European Investment Bank signs 527 million euro loan agreement with Czech Ministry of Finance for major railway upgrade. The financing is part of 2 billion euro EIB operation, to increase the capacity of Czech railways for freight and passenger transport while making them safer and more comfortable. Works to benefit lines across country and strengthen trans-European transport network (TEN-T) with three major corridors running through Czechia.

Bulgaria to get energy boost with European Investment Bank -NEK deal on new hydropower plants (12.06.2024) – The European Investment Bank will help Bulgarian national electricity company NEK prepare to build two large pumped-storage hydropower plants vital to ensuring adequate domestic and EU energy supplies. In particular, the two projects involving the EIB Advisory services bolster the stability of the power grid and integrate more renewable power sources.

Ukraine gets 100 million euro from European Investment Bank loan to rebuild social infrastructure in war-torn cities (11.06.2024) – The European Investment Bank is lending Ukraine 100 million euro to reconstruct social municipal infrastructure damaged in the war against Russia. The funds, agreed at the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, will be for rebuilding schools, kindergartens, hospitals, social housing and local transport infrastructure as well as ensuring the supply of essential services such as clean water and sanitation. In the face of numerous challenges stemming from Russia’s invasion in 2022, many Ukrainian communities are striving to resume normal life. Reconstructing hospitals and schools and reestablishing social services are crucial steps in this process.

The European Commission and European Investment Bank Group seek to unlock over 1 billion euro for Ukrainian small businesses (11.06.2024) – The European Commission and European Investment Bank Group have moved to support the private sector in Ukraine by seeking to unlock more than 1 billion euro in lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). At the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, the Commission and EIB Group signed agreements for two guarantee facilities totalling 190 million euro. They are designed to enhance access to finance for SMEs in Ukraine by sharing risk with Ukrainian local banks and financial intermediaries.

Ukraine wins 20 million euro EU extension of advisory assistance for economic development (11.06.2024) – The European Investment Bank (EIB) and European Commission have announced a 20 million euro agreement to extend advisory assistance for economic development in Ukraine. The 20 million euro envelope is financed 50/50 by the Commission and the EIB's EU for Ukraine advisory programme. The extension of the advisory aid under JASPERS (Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions) aims to ensure the optimal use of resources for Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction.

Portugal: the European Investment Bank signs advisory agreement with BPI and Santander to promote green investment (11.06.2024) – The European Investment Bank has signed two advisory service agreements with the BPI and Santander to support them in identifying and financing climate action and environmental sustainability projects. These agreements fall under the scope of the signing of loan and guarantee operations with the EIB to finance the green transition of small businesses and mid-caps, and energy-efficient building renovations. The advisory support aims to raise awareness of and implement the EIB's climate and environmental sustainability requirements, which are in line with the EU taxonomy. The advisory services will also support banks’ capacity, procedures and operational tools for developing green products and promoting best practice for reporting the impact of the projects and monitoring the investments that promote the green transition.


Romanian fintech Instant Factoring IFN to expand its debt and institutional capacity to support micro and small companies with the European Investment Fund support (24.06.2024) – The European Investment Fund (EIF) signed a RON 5 million (1 million euro) subordinated loan agreement with Romania-based fintech Instant Factoring IFN to help it expand lending to small businesses in the country. EIF subordinated loan strengthens Instant Factoring’s capital base, helping increase lending to underbanked businesses in Romania. Deal marks first time a Romanian fintech and factoring company receives InvestEU funding. This agreement was facilitated by the InvestEU programme, which aims to trigger over 372 billion euro in additional investment over the period 2021-2027.

The European Commission, the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund pave the way for new 300 million euro export credit guarantee facility to support exports by European companies to Ukraine (21.06.2024) – The agreement enables the InvestEU guarantee to be used by the EIB Group’s risk-capital subsidiary, the European Investment Fund, to support the export credit sector, aimed at boosting exports to Ukraine by small and medium-sized companies in the EU. This initiative is part of a wider EU effort to support Ukraine’s economic recovery by promoting trade and economic exchanges.

The European Investment Fund launches Gender Smart Equity Investment Programme (18.06.2024) – The European Investment Fund is launching the Gender Smart Equity Investment Programme, joining forces with national promotional institutions and regional mandators to promote gender diversity in the venture capital and private equity ecosystems by empowering women in leadership positions. The new programme will promote women leaders in venture capital and private equity. Germany and the Netherlands are the first movers on board. The programme is open for pan-EU participation.

Nordic businesses get boost with 30 million euro European Investment Fund backing for Swedish private credit fund (13.06.2024) – The European Investment Fund has committed 30 million euro to Ture Credit Fund III, a fund advised by Stockholm-based Ture Invest Partners AB. The fund aims to close its capital raising in 2024 with a target size of 500 million euro, focusing on institutional investors. Ture Credit Fund III will invest in small and medium-sized enterprises in the Nordic region, focusing on software, healthcare, education and environmental services, incorporating social objectives into the financing.

InvestEU: European Investment Fund and Malta Development Bank agreement to mobilise around 44 million euro in investments in sustainable and creative projects (12.06.2024) – The European Investment Fund (EIF), part of the EIB Group, has joined forces with the Malta Development Bank (MDB) in further driving the green transition in Malta, and supporting cultural and creative businesses by providing the latter with two guarantees totaling 20 million.euro. The operations aim to foster environmental sustainability and cultural activities while boosting the country’s economic development and job creation. It is expected that this new agreement will contribute to mobilise investments in the real economy of around 44 million euro.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Jun 26 2024

EU Alert - Banking & Finance

This newsletter provides a selection of opinions and analysis from our EU legal experts on interesting policy developments, recent case law and new regulatory directions of major industry practices. It is released biweekly and covers areas such as: Competition Law, Sanctions, Trade, Energy, Finance, EU funds, Data IP and Privacy, Life Sciences, Transport and Court of Justice of the European Union news.

The aim is to provide an up–to–date tool for quick and easy consultation on the most current and important topics at EU level.


The European Central Bank publishes first progress report on digital euro preparation phase (24.06.2024) – The European Central Bank published its first progress report on the digital euro preparation phase, which was launched on 1st November 2023 with the aim of laying the foundations for the potential issuance of a digital euro. The report outlines the progress made on key digital euro design aspects and the envisaged next steps for the project.

The European Central Bank publishes its report on Financial Integration and Structure in the Euro Area (18.06.2024) – The European Central Bank latest report on Financial Integration and Structure in the Euro Area shows that large investments are needed, in order to face future needs such as the green and digital transitions, security and aging populations. This can only be possible if the financial systems in the Euro Area are further integrated. Indeed, since its establishment, the Euro Area has demonstrated its strengths by being highly resilient during crises. However, progress in its financial integration has declined significantly over the last two years, without ever increasing by a noteworthy amount since the start of the monetary union. To further financial integration, the ECB calls for policy actions aimed at mobilising available savings, developing Euro Area bond and equity markets, and making these markets more attractive to foreign investors, while also facilitating cross-border banking and harmonising regulatory frameworks and disclosure requirements. 

The European Central Bank publishes its annual review on the euro’s international role (12.06.2024) – According to the ECB’s annual review, the euro remained the world’s second most important currency in 2023. Despite high global inflationary pressures and geopolitical tensions, the share of the euro remained above 19%, according to multiple indicators of international currency use. Moving forward, the ECB recommends a broader integration of the European’s financial and economic systems to increase the resilience of the international use of the euro.


The European Supervisory Authorities publish a joint Opinion on the assessment of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (18.06.2024) – The European Banking Authority, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority and the European Securities and Markets Authority published a joint opinion in the context of a comprehensive review of the SFDR framework called by the European Commission. The Opinion argues for the introduction of two straight-forward categories for financial products in the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation: “sustainable” and “transition”. These two categories have the purpose of enhancing the consumers’ comprehension of the products, in order to reduce greenwashing risks and increase the information available to investors. The ESAs also suggests that the European Commission (i) adopt sustainability indicators to grade financial products, (ii) improve the definitions of sustainable investments, and (iii) simplify the way the disclosures are presented to investors.

The European Supervisory Authorities renew the term of the President of the Board of Appeal, and elect a new Vice President (14.06.2024) – Michele Siri, Professor of Insurance and Financial Markets Law, University of Genoa, Italy, was renewed by the ESAs as their Board of Appeal’s President for a new term of two years and a half, and Margarida Lima Rego, Associate Professor and Vice-Dean at NOVA School of Law, NOVA University, Portugal, was appointed as Board of Appeal’s Vice-President for the same time period.


The European Banking Authority publishes amendments to counterparty credit risk standards as part of its new roadmap for the implementation of the Banking Package in the EU (24.06.2024) – The European Banking Authority published its final draft amending Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the standardised approach for counterparty credit risk (SA-CCR). This regulatory product is part of the new roadmap on the Banking Package. The amendments to the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR3) have expanded the EBA mandate to specify the formula to calculate the supervisory delta of options under the SA-CCR framework. Alongside the supervisory delta formula for interest rate options compatible with negative interest rates, the mandate now also requires the specification of the supervisory delta formula for commodity options compatible with negative commodity prices. Therefore, the existing RTS on SA-CCR have been amended to include the formula for commodity options.

The European Banking Authority updates the Pillar 3 disclosure framework finalising the implementation of the Basel III Pillar 3 framework (21.06.2024) – The European Banking Authority published a final draft implementing technical standards (ITS) on public disclosures by institutions that implement the changes in the Pillar 3 disclosure framework introduced by the amending Regulation (EU) 2024/1623 (CRR 3). These ITS will ensure that market participants have sufficient comparable information to assess the risk profiles of institutions and understand compliance with CRR 3 requirements, further promoting market discipline.

The European Banking Authority publishes its final draft Regulatory Technical Standards under the Capital Requirements Regulation (20.06.2024) – The European Banking Authority  published the final draft for Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) under the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR), covering both the conditions for assessing the materiality of model extensions and changes, and the changes to the subset of modellable risk factors, applicable under the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book rules. The draft differentiates material extensions and changes from non-material extensions and changes and sets out a combination of quantitative and qualitative conditions for the categorisation of extensions and changes. This publication completes the June 2019 roadmap on market and counterparty credit risk approaches. 

The European Banking Authority publishes regulatory products under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (19.06.2024) – The European Banking Authority published the last package of technical standards and guidelines under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR), thereby completing the delivery of its technical standards under the regulation. This package covers reporting, liquidity stress testing, as well as supervisory colleges, and it comprises, among others, (i) the Final draft RTS further specifying the liquidity requirements of the reserve of assets; (ii) the Final draft RTS to specify the highly liquid financial instruments; and (iii) the Guidelines on recovery plans.

The European Banking Authority publishes the technical standards and guidelines under the Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (13.06.2024) – Pursuant to the provisions of the Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation, the EBA published a set of regulatory instruments to develop a well-regulated market for asset-referenced and e-money tokens in the European Union. The regulatory package covers prudential matters. It comprises new regulatory technical standards relating to own fund and liquidity, and new guidelines on recovery plans.

The European Banking Authority issues a revised list of its Implementing Technical Standards validation rules (13.06.2024) – The revised list of Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) validation rules, issued by the EBA, deactivated some of the rules present in older versions of the list. This means that data submitted in accordance with deactivated rules should not be formally validated by the Competent Authorities.


The European Securities and Market Authority publishes the 2023 Annual Report (14.06.2024) – The Annual Report for 2023 illustrates the authority’s key achievements after the first year of implementation of its five-years plan for enhancing investor protection and promoting stable and orderly financial markets in the European Union. The Annual Report

mainly focuses on investor protection, risk monitoring and supervision. In 2023, ESMA has been especially active in the monitoring of risks and resilience of financial markets and in supporting supervisory convergence through extensive work in the digital space. Among others, some of ESMA’s key achievements are: the exploration of new areas of regulation, in preparation for the implementation of the Digital Operational Resilience Act; the launch of a new data strategy for 2023-2028, aiming to leverage technology and data to improve market supervision and investors’ protection; the assessment of greenwashing through a progress report on greenwashing risks and supervision.


Council reaches agreement for a new regulatory package for retail investment (12.06.2024) – Council reached an agreement for a new regulatory package, aimed at strengthening the EU rules on retail investor protection. The package will provide retail investors with clearer information about investment products and will ensure more transparency and disclosure. Vincent Van Peteghem, Belgian Minister of Finance, commented the agreement by highlighting the need to incentivize retail investors to make sound investment decisions in the EU market, in the hope that their enhanced trust in the capital markets will make their savings flow to innovative European companies, including small and medium enterprises.

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