Grimaldi Alliance

Capital Markets

Grimaldi Alliance

As a leading player in Capital Markets transactions, we provide unparalleled expertise to a wide range of clients, including financial institutions, investors, bond issuers and companies in debt issuance and regulated market listings.
Our services include:

Debt Issuance
We facilitate debt issuance transactions for both financial institutions and corporates across a broad spectrum of instruments, which include plain vanilla, structured, covered bonds, medium-term notes, euro bonds, domestic bonds, high yield bonds, hybrid bonds and project bonds, EMTN programmes and private placements. Leveraging our deep-seated expertise and industry experience, we provide strategic guidance to ensure that these transactions are executed seamlessly and in compliance with regulations.

Listings on Regulated Markets
We specialise in the listing of companies on regulated markets, both domestically and internationally. In particular, we hold a market-leading position in facilitating listings on the Euronext Growth Milan market, offering our clients a high quality service and personalised advice to ensure a smooth and successful transition to the market.

Backed by a team of experienced professionals dedicated to Capital Markets activities, we bring forth a wealth of qualifications and extensive industry knowledge. From inception to completion, we stand ready to support our clients at every stage of their capital market transactions, delivering outstanding results while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

Our experts




Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

Mar 07 2024

DDL Capital

The draft law on measures to support the competitiveness of capital incorporates some of the measures most frequently represented by market operators aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the Italian financial industry and supporting the economy, by promoting measures to modernise the regulatory framework in light of the evolving dynamics of the markets and the growing competition between international financial centres.

In our newsletter, we have gone into these issues in detail: we invite you to download it and find out more about the Capital Bill.

Grimaldi Alliance

Knowledge Management

May 23 2023

Radar on Brazil

Capital Markets

The Open Capital Market is coming! CVM President explains what it is

The Open Capital Market is an initiative introduced by the president of the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), João Pedro Barroso do Nascimento, aimed at strengthening and expanding the capital market in Brazil. The aim is to make the capital market more attractive, inclusive, and competitive, contributing to the country’s economic growth. The actions mentioned below are an integral part of this initiative:

  • Investor PIX: Instant and cost-free portability of investments between brokers via a mobile application.
  • Encouraging Activism: Increasing the engagement of individual investors in meetings by revising resolution 81.
  • Simplified Registration: Simplification of client registration by brokers, with a single shared registration.
  • Funds Framework: New regulatory framework for funds in force as of October, empowering investors.
  • Crowdfunding: Adjustments to crowdfunding rules to include small and medium-sized companies.
  • Review of takeover bids: Promise of a “revolution” in the way takeover bids are thought of in 2024.
    In addition to adjustments to existing regulations and the creation of new financial products, CVM aims to focus on the development of the following key sectors:
  1. Agribusiness: Despite accounting for around 25% of Brazil’s GDP, agribusiness still has a limited presence in the capital markets, accounting for only 5%. The CVM plans to expand the regulation of Fiagros in order to attract more participants from this sector.
  2. Sustainable Finance: The commitment to environmental issues offers significant opportunities for Brazil. The CVM is seeking to attract investors of different profiles to invest in sustainable finance.
  3. Cryptoassets: CVM recognizes the potential of cryptoassets as a way to modernize and innovate the capital market. It seeks to bring market players more in line with regulations and offer opportunities for different investor profiles who wish to participate in the organized market.
  4. Soccer Corporations (Sociedades Anônimas do Futebol - SAFs): With the implementation of Law 14.193/2021 (Sociedade Anônima do Futebol Law), the CVM is identifying opportunities for funds to invest in the soccer industry. It intends to adopt a similar approach to that of crypto assets.

In short, the Open Capital Market initiative promises to reinvigorate and expand the capital market in Brazil. Through innovative actions and strategic plans, it seeks to simplify the investment journey, increase investor engagement, and create a more favorable environment for the Brazilian capital market.

Investment Funds

New Rules on Brazilian Investment Funds Come into Force

On October 2nd, 2023, the new Resolution CVM 175 partially entered into force to regulate investment funds in Brazil. It is said partially because while most of the changes brought by Resolution CVM 175 came into force on October 2nd, 2023, there are still a few changes that will come into force only in 2024.

The Resolution groups 38 different already existing regulations into one and brings some important new rules about the formation, operation, and information disclosure of investment funds, as well as rules about investment funds’ services providers.

One of the most significant changes brought by Resolution CVM 175 is that it allows for the existence of limited liability funds. Up until the entry into force of Resolution CVM 175, only unlimited liability funds were permitted. Now, investment funds’ members may have their responsibilities limited to the value of their membership interest, so long as the funds’ regulation expressly establishes so.
Also, Resolution CVM 175 allows investment funds to invest up to 100% of its net asset value abroad, as long as they comply with the Resolution’s rules. Nevertheless, there are still limits for Financial Investment Funds (FIFs) that have foreign investments: the applicable limit for classes destined to the general public is of 20% of its net asset value, and the limit for classes destined exclusively to qualified investor is of 40% of its net asset value.

Another important change is the regulation of funds’ service providers. The investment fund manager will now have the title of an essential service provider, and, alongside the fund administrator, will perform the fund's core operational activities. This alteration was important to adjust the rules to the actual reality of the funds, that now usually have both an administrator and a manager.

Moreover, to guarantee more transparency to its members, the funds will have the obligation to disclose, in a separate manner, the administration, management and maximum distribution fees. That means that the funds’ regulations will have to disclose separately the remuneration of the administrator, manager, and distributors in its text. Previously, the funds only needed to disclose the fee as a whole; it was not necessary to disclose the information separately. It is important to note, however, that this obligation will only enter into force on April 1st, 2024.

Another significant alteration that will come into force only on April 1st, 2024, is the creation of a multiclass structure. The funds will be able to be divided into classes and subclasses, each of them having its individual assets, rights, and obligations. This means that the same set of assets can be linked to different liabilities without the need to create separate investment funds for each type of investor profile. This implies that assets can be grouped or associated with different liabilities or obligations, thus catering to the needs of different types of investors without the creation of
multiple separate funds. This will provide flexibility in investment management since the fund manager will not need to manage assets from more than one vehicle.

Resolution CVM 175 marks a significant milestone in the country’s financial sector, being a testament to Brazil’s commitment to creating a more transparent, efficient, and investor-friendly environment. Investment funds now have a new resolution that not only groups multiple regulations the country had about the theme, organizing the legal framework on the subject, and investors now have more enticing factors to invest in Brazil.

Labor law

Brazilian Supreme Court considers collection of contributions to unions valid

In a judgment concluded on 09/11/2023, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) considered the collection of the so-called assistance contribution valid. This contribution is intended to fund activities such as collective negotiations for collective work agreements.
In the decision, the STF makes it clear that the decision does not represent the return of the union tax, which was changed by the labor reform in 2017.

With the STF’s decision, the assistance contribution will now be charged to all workers, whether or not they are members of the union. However, for those who are not members of the union, the discount can only be made if:

  • The payment is agreed in an agreement or collective convention of the category.
  • If unaffiliated workers give express authorization for the discount, or do not present opposition within the period defined in collective bargaining.

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